• Frau Dr. Ricken mit Kolleginnen in der Praxis


We care for you!


Experience and know-how


Tel. 06251-1079-0

Body and Jaw in Connection

Form follows function – the famous Bauhaus guiding principle also applies to the construction of our treatment. Because corporal damage and malformations in the jaw area are directly related, we work with physiotherapists and osteopaths who provide meaningful support to our holistic treatment concept. Muscle, eye, breathing, posture and bite function are interdependent and synchronized in our practice.

Our Special Concept

Modern medicine is today divided into two camps. Some swear by high-tech care, others on alternative treatment methods. Both no doubt, have their strengths. But also their typical weaknesses of an isolated and thus one-sided view. Our practical concept focuses on the sensible combination of both philosophies. Holistically, we combine state-of-the-art technology with interdisciplinary forms of treatment.

Easily accessible

The practice is centrally located at Bensheim train Station. A large multi-storey car park is located just below the house.


Education and training are very important to us. To this end, we have established an interdisciplinary training forum (Forum Eulenhof).

Well advised

We value good patient communication. For our concept, we have received the “Orthoparlando” award from the Bavarian Dental Association.


We value good patient communication. For our concept, we have received the “Orthoparlando” award from the Bavarian Dental Association.


Years of Experience


Office Members




Treated Cases

Wellcome to our Office!

Please feel comfortable with us. We only use biocompatible materials and attach great importance to a functional, aesthetic treatment result. Teeth and body are in dialogue. This is taken very seriously in our office. For many years now, our practice stands for holistic, bioaesthetic orthodontics.

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